Making Insurance Work For You

  • Do you feel like insurance is an event that happens to you?
  • Or do you feel like it’s a process you’re a part of?
  • We’re here to help you take control of your cost of insurance!

How does insurance actually work?

What is insurance?

What is an underwriter?

What is a broker?

RM4U: Our Client Service Model

  • RM4U is our four-step process integrating our insurance services, risk management services, and claims services into a Performance Plan for our clients.
  • This strategy helps our clients make continuous improvements to their risk profile year after year.
  • We’re here to help you walk the path to Best-in-Class — one step at a time.

RM4U: 4 Steps

Step 1 – Risk Assessment

Identifying and examining our client’s exposures through the Risk Assessment.

Step 2 – Risk Report

Assessing the potential impact of those exposures and using the results to identify areas of risk reduction.

Step 3 – Performance Plan

Utilizing the results of the analysis to form a strategic risk reduction plan, as well as a service calendar for plan implementation.

Step 4 – Stewardship Meeting

Providing accountability through stewardship and continual risk management assessment, advice and analysis.

Client Testimonial

“Oklahoma State Fair, Inc. has proudly worked with INSURICA for decades. We have always been able to depend on their high level of professionalism. The team at INSURICA has proven year after year their dedication to present us with the best possible products and services.”
CHRIS T. • Amusement & Recreation
“Over the years, INSURICA has provided great service for both of our companies. They offer great products and superior customer service. We would highly recommend INSURICA to anyone looking for a great insurance partner.”
JEFF S. • Manufacturing
“A relationship of trust and dependence does not happen over night but builds as time passes. Our years of working together proves the trust we have in each other. We would not stay with someone that we cannot depend on and I presume neither would INSURICA. They have been a big part of our survival and success through the good and bad times. Giving us strength in our decisions and the independence to know when it comes to insurance, we are backed up by the best in the industry. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Thanks for many years of great service and many more to come.”
DON M. • Construction

Find Out More About Our Services and Capabilities

We are here to answer any questions you may have and look forward to hearing from you.