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June is National Safety Month. This month highlights efforts that can prevent injuries and death inside and outside the workplace, helps provide learning opportunities for employees, allows employers to share their safety pride and gives employees the opportunity to pledge they will work safely.

Preventable injury-related deaths are the fourth leading cause of death in the United States, according to the National Safety Council (NSC). In 2021, there were 4,472 deaths from preventable injuries, an 11% increase from the prior year.

Weekly Focus

  • Emergency preparedness—June 1-10 will focus on emergency preparedness, specifically how to administer CPR and how to use an automated external defibrillator.
  • Slips, trips and falls—June 11-17 will focus on slip, trip and fall prevention. Falls are the second-leading cause of unintentional injury-related death. As such, learning to reduce slips, trips and falls, as well as falls from heights, can help prevent such injuries.
  • Heat-related illness—June 18-24 will focus on heat-related illness prevention. Since these illnesses can escalate rapidly and even lead to death, knowing the symptoms and proper response measures can save lives.
  • Hazard recognition—June 25-30 will focus on hazard recognition. Education on everyday hazards can help workers identify and avoid them before an injury occurs.

The NSC provides materials—including podcasts, social media kits and a SafeAtWork pledge—for employers to utilize during June. The SafeAtWork pledge gets employees to participate by pledging to help improve employers’ safety programs, promptly report hazards and provide solutions if they have any, and lastly, be a role model for safety.

By educating your workforce on such topics, companies can create a healthier and safer workplace. For more information and resources, sign up for INSURICA’s various newsletters.

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