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The Benefits of Telematics for Commercial Fleets

Managing vehicles is a key element for the daily operations of many businesses. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the number of fatal crashes involving large trucks and buses has gone up by 42% since 2009. Telematics is certainly the way of the future when it comes to fleet management. The information available at your fingertips in near, if not, real time is mindboggling. Telematics has the ability to transmit info with regards to driver behavior, vehicle diagnostics, and location, to name but just a few. Information such as this allows supervisors/management to make immediate corrections if needed, or in some cases immediate praise. Below are some additional areas where the utilization of telematics software can help a fleet:

  • Reduce operational costs—Telematics software can help keep drivers updated on upcoming traffic concerns or road hazards, offer rerouting options and locate preferred gas stations—all of which can contribute to improved fuel efficiency and reduced operational costs.
  • Encourage safe driving—Telematics allows employees to better monitor their individual driving habits and detect flaws that they might not have realized otherwise.
  • Bolster fleet security—Employers can utilize telematics tracking to detect the location and route of any stolen vehicles, simplifying the vehicle recovery process.
  • Ensure vehicle maintenance—Telematics software can detect a wide range of vehicle breakdown or maintenance problems, such as engine issues or diagnostic concerns.
  • Reduce administrative costs—Telematics allows employers to digitize records that would otherwise have to be maintained manually, which can be a time-consuming process.

For additional insurance and loss control guidance, contact INSURICA today.

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