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The frigid temperatures of winter can make it necessary to ask more of your home’s furnace and heating systems. However, these increased demands can quickly put a strain on your wallet through rising heating costs.

Fortunately, you can maintain a comfortable temperature in your home throughout the winter while limiting expenses by implementing the following steps:

  1. Consider circulation. Optimize the efficiency of your home’s heating and ventilation systems, including replacing furnace filters and shutting ducts in unoccupied rooms.
  2. Seal the exterior. Caulk and replace weather-stripping around doors and windows and repair any cracks or holes in your home’s roof and walls.
  3. Install a smart thermostat. These devices can adjust the temperature while you’re not home, allowing you to save on heating costs while you’re gone while ensuring things are comfortably warm when you return.
  4. Use natural light. Take advantage of sunlight by opening blinds and curtains during the day to allow it to transfer warmth inside. Cover windows at night to help keep warm air from escaping.
  5. Reverse ceiling fans. Although these fans are usually used to cool your home, you may be able to set them to rotate in the opposite direction, creating an updraft that can displace hot air gathered near the ceiling down into the rest of an area.
  6. Layer up. Wearing layers and using blankets can allow you to keep your home at a lower temperature.

Contact INSURICA for more Personal Lines resources.

This article is provided for informational purposes only. The information provided herein is not intended to be exhaustive, nor should it be construed as advice regarding coverage. Eligibility for coverage is not guaranteed and all coverages are limited to the terms and conditions contained in the applicable policy. © 2025 Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved.

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