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Environmental Liabilities at Food Processing Facilities

The most common environmental and regulatory exposures encountered at food processing facilities include:

  • No spill control and countermeasure plans for chemical or fuel spills.
  • Noncompliant wastewater discharges to surface waters and publicly
    owned treatment works (POTWs).
  • Underground tanks that were removed or abandoned for unknown
  • Poorly managed underground storage tanks and associated pipes.
  • No formal aboveground tank inspection testing procedures.
  • Un-diked aboveground tanks.
  • Improperly maintained electrical units which contain PCBs.
  • Inadequate control of nuisance emissions and odors.
  • Facility personnel not witnessing deliveries of fuels and liquids.
  • Poor spill control at tanker/rail car unloading/loading stations.
  • Poor hazardous waste handling and disposal practices.
  • Chlorine gas storage without proper detection and alert equipment.
  • Improper wash-down procedures causing discharge problems.
  • No SARA Title III/Community Right-to-Know reporting.
  • Inadequate monitoring of non-permitted storm water outfalls.
  • Poor historical information on previous use of property.
  • Uncontained floor drains around the plant site.

This is not an exhaustive list of environmental exposures. It represents the most common environmental exposures for this industry. INSURICA
will work with you to identify environmental exposures that are unique to your business to help you reduce risk.

For more risk management guidance, contact INSURICA today.

This article is not intended to be exhaustive nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as legal advice. Readers should contact legal counsel or an insurance professional for appropriate advice. Reprinted with permission from the Society of Environmental Insurance Professionals.

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