Be Cyber Smart
October is Cyber Security Awareness Month. This year’s campaign theme is “Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart.” This theme was selected by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to empower both individuals and organizations to take ownership of their unique role in promoting cybersecurity, with the key message being, “If you connect it, protect it.”
It is critical for businesses like yours to stay cyber-secure to safeguard company data, protect customers’ personal information and ensure employee privacy. INSURICA wants to help you with several ways you can be proactive and contribute to organizational cybersecurity:
Establish policies to promote cybersecurity: This includes a bring your own device policy, email and internet communication policy, acceptable use policy, remote work policy, and incident response policy.
Educate your employees: Utilize a training program to make employees aware of cybersecurity threats and how to avoid them.
Implement smart software: Install strong spam filters, firewalls, and antivirus and malware programs on all company devices. In addition, maintain network security using a virtual private network (VPN).
Enforce access controls: Only allow trusted and qualified individuals access to sensitive data. Furthermore, ensure all employees use strong passwords and update them on a routine basis.
Bolster business continuity: Be sure to back up data frequently. Consider storing copies of critical data in additional secure locations, such as the cloud.
Have a plan: Establish a cyber incident response plan to minimize potential losses in the event of a cyber-attack. Test this plan regularly.
You can learn more about DHS’s #BeCyberSmart campaign here. For additional cybersecurity guidance and cyber insurance solutions, contact INSURICA today.
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