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The National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) will take place April 15-19, 2024, in conjunction with National Occupational Research Agenda’s (NORA) Construction Stand-down to Prevent Struck-by Incidents event. In 2021, 956 people died in work zones, according to the NHTSA FARS data. Also in 2021, 108 highway worker occupational fatalities occurred in road construction sites, based on BLS data. Further data is available on WorkZoneSafety.org.

What many fail to recognize is the vast majority of people killed in work zone crashes are motorists and their passengers. In 2021, 778 drivers and their passengers died in work zones (based on NHTSA FARS data), making it all the more important for drivers to slow down and stay focused while approaching and passing through a roadway work zone.

NWZAW is held to remind drivers to drive safely through highway work zones to protect themselves and the workers. This annual event increases driver awareness around work zone safety and reiterates the importance of paying attention and slowing down while driving through construction zones.

Who Can Participate?

Everyone plays a role in highway safety. To get involved, participate in the daily NWZAW events:

  • Monday, April 15–Work Zone Safety Training Day is used to train employees on potential struck-by risks on the job and educate them on how to prevent struck-by incidents from being the leading cause of death among construction workers.
  • Tuesday, April 16–The National Kickoff Event will provide education on the importance of work zone safety.
  • Wednesday, April 17–Go Orange Day is when all road workers are encouraged to wear orange to show their support of work zone safety.
  • Thursday, April 18–Social Media Storm is when the NWZAW team encourages posting on social media channels about the importance of work zone safety and tagging them with #NWZAW and #WorkZoneSafety.
  • Friday, April 19–Moment of Silence is meant to remember all workers, motorists and passengers that lost their lives in work zone-related incidents.

After the Event

Even after NWZAW concludes, employers should keep open communication with their employees concerning struck-by accidents and safe driving practices and also implement safety measures in work zones to prevent an incident from occurring.

For more National Work Zone Awareness Week and risk management resources, contact INSURICA today.

This is not intended to be exhaustive nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as legal advice. Readers should contact legal counsel or an insurance professional for appropriate advice. ©2024 Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved

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