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Woligo Partners with INSURICA

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK (August 4, 2021)

Woligo has teamed up with INSURICA, a Cameron Group partner, to offer business insurance options such as General Liability, Professional Liability, and Cyber Insurance. Woligo’s platform offers a variety of insurance, benefits, banking, and retirement solutions to independent workers and small business owners.

“Self-employed individuals and small business owners have a variety of insurance needs,” said Jennifer Dunn, Woligo Venture Manager. “We are very excited to collaborate with our sister company to provide these professionals with agent-assisted quoting and counseling.”

INSURICA CEO, Mike Ross, said he sees the new partnership as a reflection of INSURICA’s core value of Innovation.

“This new partnership with Woligo represents an important step for INSURICA,” Ross said. “Innovation is at the heart of everything we do here, and we see Woligo as a kindred spirit in that regard. The insurance industry is rapidly changing, and this collaboration will not only help us keep up, but it will also set a new standard for brokers who want to provide excellent service to America’s small businesses.”

Self-employed professionals and small business owners can easily obtain a customized quote by conducting a brief phone interview with a Woligo agent.

About Woligo

Woligo (WŌ-luh-go = Work-Life-Go) is here for the self-employed professionals, small business owners, and anyone else who is the boss of themselves and their business. By pairing you with insurance, benefits, and banking and retirement solutions, we help you find stability while preserving the freedom and flexibility of your work-life world. We are part of the Cameron Group, along with INSURICA, First Fidelity Bank, American Fidelity, and other companies.


All business insurance products are offered by INSURICA. INSURICA is among the 50 largest insurance brokers in the United States and is currently the 24th largest privately held independent agency in the country.

Rich Datz – Media Contact
+1 405-345-1241

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