School Bus Safety Steps
The summer months will fly by, and before you know it the kids will head back to school. Families should take some time to discuss their transportation plans before the upcoming school year. According to the National Safety Council, 25 million students nationwide will ride the school bus to and from campus. INSURICA wants to help keep your family protected this school year. The American School Bus Council has offered a few steps families can take for a safe bus ride:
Bus Stop Arrival
- Start your school morning early enough so you aren’t rushing to get to the bus stop. Plan to get to your stop at least five minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive
- Stand 6 feet (or three giant steps) away from the curb while waiting for the bus
- Supervise young children
Around the Bus
- Cross in front of the bus – at least 10 feet (or five giant steps) – and make eye contact with the driver before crossing
- Never walk behind the bus
- Alert bus driver if you drop something near the bus
Getting On/Off the Bus
- Wait until the bus has stopped and the door opens before approaching the bus or standing up on the bus
- Use the handrail
- Secure any loose or hanging objects like straps on a backpack or drawstrings on a hood
Behavior on the Bus
- Buckle up if seat belts are available
- Stay in your seat keeping head, arms and papers inside the bus, and talk quietly
- Keep aisles clear of books and bags
Other Bus Safety Considerations
- According to the ASBC, school buses is the safest form of transportation for students. Students are about 70 times more likely to get to school safely if they take the school bus instead of traveling by car.
- In May, Congress introduced the School Bus Safety Act 2021. The bill would require school buses be equipped with seatbelts and modern safety equipment.
- National School Bus Safety Week is held every year on the 3rd week of October. The theme for 2021 is: Be Safe – Know the Danger Zone
This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as professional advice. © 2018, 2020 Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved.
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