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Youth Protection Measures for Religious Organizations

By |2020-11-24T00:22:08+00:00August 30th, 2020|Blog, Industry, Ministries, Not-For-Profit|

As a spiritual safe haven for people to come and worship and learn, it is your organization’s duty to protect the safety of its youngest members. To achieve this, you need to ensure that your environment is fully secure by implementing policies with children’s best interests in mind. This should reduce and help to prevent adult misconduct while also protecting your staff and volunteers from unsubstantiated accusations.

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Leading by Example Around New Employees

By |2020-11-24T00:24:29+00:00August 30th, 2020|Blog, Industry, Ministries, Not-For-Profit|

A hardworking person can have a powerful influence on his or her team, especially when he or she is working with someone who is new to the job or to the company. As the co-worker of a new employee, consider yourself the most important role model during his or her first few weeks. Your attitude and your respect of policies and safety procedures could save him or her from an accident or serious injury!

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Benefits of D&O Insurance for Nonprofits

By |2021-08-26T03:40:26+00:00May 18th, 2020|Blog, Not-For-Profit|

Nonprofit organizations provide essential social services that benefit the community and their members. These organizations cannot survive without a board of directors to make major decisions on behalf of the organization. In order to protect themselves, directors and officers (D&O) insurance for nonprofit leaders is crucial and can provide the following benefits.

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Balancing Risk and the Rising Cost of Insurance Coverage for Nonprofits

By |2021-08-26T03:41:10+00:00April 28th, 2020|Blog, Not-For-Profit, Risk Management|

As a new decade unfolds with new changes and challenges for businesses across industries, nonprofits are no exception. Signs of disruption for the nonprofit sector insurance world are unfolding like they are across all other sectors. However, how nonprofits respond to these changes can be even more challenging than other organizations as you aim to balance the increased cost of operations, especially the cost of risk, with the amount that goes towards your mission.

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