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Zillennials Challenge Traditional Workplace Conventions

By |2023-06-05T19:30:57+00:00August 4th, 2022|Blog, Employee Benefits|

MetLife’s 20th Annual Employee Benefit Trends Study shows job satisfaction has tumbled to a two-decade low. Zillennials – who represent the generation born between 1993 and 1998 – exhibit the lowest level of satisfaction.

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OSHA Proposes to Revise Lead Exposure Standard

By |2023-06-05T19:34:44+00:00August 2nd, 2022|Blog, Commercial Insurance|

On June 28, 2022, OSHA published an advance notice of proposed rule-making (ANPRM) to revise its standards for occupational exposure to lead. This revision comes after recent medical research on workplace lead exposure shows adverse health effects that can occur in adults at lower blood lead levels than previously recognized. The current OSHA lead standards will be modified to reflect the proper amounts.

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Hand and Finger Protection

By |2023-06-19T20:27:34+00:00July 25th, 2022|Blog, Commercial Insurance, Healthcare, Safety Tips|

The risk that hand, wrist and finger injuries pose in health care settings is unique because it is associated with another, more serious risk: that of infection with diseases like Hepatitis B and C or HIV. Even injuries that do not result in infection bear the psychological trauma of waiting for definitive test results.

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Active Assailant Preparedness

By |2023-06-05T19:40:57+00:00July 24th, 2022|Blog, Commercial Insurance, Healthcare, Safety Tips|

In recent years, active assailant incidents have become a growing concern across the United States. Most recently at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, a doctor’s office at Saint Francis in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and at a 4th of July Parade in Highland Park, Illinois.

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Preventing Vehicle Theft

By |2023-06-05T19:44:23+00:00July 17th, 2022|Blog, Personal Insurance|

Vehicles are one of the most popular targets for criminals because they are relatively easy to steal. Don’t be the next victim of vehicle theft. Car theft rates spiked in 2020, according to data released by the FBI. Research indicates 810,400 vehicles were stolen in 2020, compared with 721,885 vehicles stolen in 2019.

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Best Practices for Substance-Misuse Benefits

By |2023-06-19T20:37:56+00:00July 11th, 2022|Blog, Employee Benefits|

Substance misuse among employees has increased, which has been made easier because addictions are easier to conceal in remote and hybrid work situations. The situation was already a serious problem, but human resource professionals have found that substance use, misuse and abuse have increased significantly since the pandemic. In 2014, according to a National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 55.1% of the US population with substance-use disorders held full-time jobs. Due to the pandemic, however, this figure has likely risen significantly.

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Making Changes to Caregiving Benefits in the Era of Hybrid Work

By |2023-06-19T20:44:28+00:00July 10th, 2022|Blog, Employee Benefits|

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many workers to adapt their schedules and work styles to accommodate new childcare and eldercare responsibilities. With offices reopening, many working caregivers are wondering how to best manage their time and commitments. While a hybrid work model — a combination of in-office and remote work — may offer the best of both worlds, employers need to consider the unique needs of caregivers when crafting their policies.

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