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Cyber Practice

Cyber Liability Insurance is designed to protect companies from the costs and liabilities arising out of data breaches. At INSURICA, we want to help you protect your business by understanding your goals, providing resources, and offering expert advice and analysis.

Experience and Expertise

Business owners across the country are learning the hard way that computer security and data breaches are affecting companies of all sizes from many different industries. Online malware (Trojans, worms, and viruses), spam, phishing, or lost equipment may present different types of risks and liabilities that are not covered under the Commercial General Liability policy. The number of cyber-attacks has increased by 42 percent in the last year, and most businesses never fully recover after becoming victims of a breach. Many business owners think it could never happen to them, but industry experts agree: it is not a matter of if, but when. It only takes one virus, one stolen laptop, one hacker, or even one lost paper record for sensitive data to be compromised.


  • Expansion and ubiquity of technology
  • Regulatory requirements after a breach
  • Financial impact of a data breach
  • Most General Liability policies provide no coverage


Our in-depth understanding of your business allows us to uncover often-unseen risks and opportunities that can dramatically lower your exposure and costs.  Quite literally, we dig deeper to help you identify your exposure and efficiently minimize your risks through proven loss prevention and loss reduction techniques.

Recruiting and retaining the best and brightest is critical to your long-term success. All too often, the difference between a “loyal career” and “just another job” comes down to employee benefits. But unfortunately, after payroll, employee benefits are the largest budget item for most businesses.

At INSURICA, our Employee Benefits Experts can help you develop and implement a benefits program designed to motivate your employees while minimizing your cost.

We are proud to be an Assurex Global Partner. Assurex Global is the world’s largest privately-held risk management and commercial insurance brokerage group. Due to Assurex Global’s worldwide Partnership, collaboration tools, and communications infrastructure, all Assurex Global Partners are capable of servicing your accounts across the globe with equal precision and localized service.



We define claims management a little differently. We view our role as “a partner in your company’s profitability.”

Loss Control

Loss Control

Loss control has become one of the most important elements of your business’s insurance

Alternative Risk

Alternative Risk

Self-insurance, large deductible plans, captive insurance…Our programs are tailored to fit your specific needs.

Find Out More About Our Services and Capabilities

We are here to answer any questions you may have and look forward to hearing from you.

Latest News

Today’s insurance programs must take into account the unique challenges faced by each client. In addition to a strong coverage program, some businesses may need advanced services. INSURICA has the additional Client Services required by complex business operations.

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