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The Importance of Roof Inspections and Repairs in Schools

By |2024-04-10T22:44:38+00:00March 27th, 2024|Blog, Education, Trending|

Roofs are an essential component of any school building, providing protection from the elements and ensuring a safe and comfortable learning environment for students and staff.

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Navigating Spring’s Big 3 Severe Weather Hazards: Floods, Hail and Tornadoes

By |2024-03-01T18:56:21+00:00March 1st, 2024|Blog, Education, Trending|

As spring ushers in warmer weather, it also brings the potential for severe weather events that can impact school communities. Understanding and preparing for floods, hailstorms, and tornadoes are crucial responsibilities for school administrators. Let's explore practical tips to safeguard your school community from these hazards.

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Enhancing School Bus Driver Safety and Student Well-being

By |2024-03-21T15:03:50+00:00February 16th, 2024|Blog, Education, Trending|

Ensuring the safety of school bus drivers is paramount, given the vital role they play in transporting students to and from school each day. While sprains, strains, and muscle tears are common injuries among bus drivers, the most costly incidents in schools often stem from motor vehicle accidents.

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Safeguarding School Transportation: A Shared Responsibility

By |2024-02-01T16:21:16+00:00January 25th, 2024|Blog, Education, Trending|

Ensuring the safety of students during their school commute is a collective effort involving school bus drivers, motorists, and the entire community. While school bus drivers go to great lengths to protect children, it is equally crucial for all road users to play their part in managing transportation risks effectively.

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Effective Communication During Emergencies: School Alert Systems

By |2024-02-01T16:20:58+00:00January 20th, 2024|Blog, Education, Trending|

Protecting your K-12 community from potential threats – active shooters, severe weather, health outbreaks, and more – is always a top priority. The right school alert systems can provide effective communication to your community during emergencies.

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5 Tips for Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls on School Premises

By |2024-01-10T15:08:25+00:00January 10th, 2024|Blog, Education, Trending|

We want to do all we can to prevent our students, parents and community from falls that might result in injury. Most falls (67%) happen on a level surface resulting from slips and trips. Fortunately, most slip, trip and fall incidents are avoidable.

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Insurance Policy Review: Starting the New Year Right

By |2024-01-08T16:49:11+00:00January 8th, 2024|Blog, Education, Trending|

As we usher in the New Year, it's the perfect time for a fresh start. Begin the New Year on the right foot with a thorough review of your insurance policies. An insurance review might not be the first thing on your New Year's checklist, but it's a wise move that can yield substantial benefits.

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Tornado Preparedness Tips for School Administrators

By |2023-11-16T16:54:06+00:00November 16th, 2023|Blog, Education|

Tornadoes occur with the greatest frequency during late spring and early summer months between the hours of 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), every one of Texas’ 254 counties has seen at least one tornado between 1950 and 2023. The most active region in Texas for tornados is the Red River Valley of North Texas.

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How The FBI Distinguishes Between Types of Student Threats of Violence

By |2023-11-16T16:00:05+00:00November 2nd, 2023|Blog, Education|

In 2021 alone, there were 34 school shootings, 24 of which occurred after August 1. A shooting on November 30, in which a student killed four people and injured seven at a Michigan high school, was the deadliest school shooting since May 2018. As of the end of 2021, there were 92 school shootings since 2018.

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4 Things You Need to Know About Scheduled vs. Blanket Property Coverage

By |2023-11-16T16:19:05+00:00October 22nd, 2023|Blog, Education|

When making a property insurance purchase decision, the most critical factor is the balance between insured risk and risk retention. Risk retention is usually measured in the amount of exposure to the fund balance in the event of a major property claim.

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