Virtual Physical Therapy: An Employer’s Secret Weapon Against Opioids
The opioid epidemic continues to ravage communities across America, taking over 41 lives per day and costing billions in lost productivity and increased healthcare expenses. As employers seek solutions to keep their workforce safe and productive, virtual physical therapy has emerged as an innovative approach.
How Smart Employers are Using Second Opinions to Avoid Unneeded Surgeries
When employees require surgery, the costs to employers can be immense—not only the direct medical bills but also lost productivity from time off work. However, a growing number of employers are realizing that many recommended surgeries may be unnecessary. By offering employees access to second opinion consultations through virtual health partners, employers can enjoy significant savings per avoided surgery while improving worker health outcomes.
How The FBI Distinguishes Between Types of Student Threats of Violence
In 2021 alone, there were 34 school shootings, 24 of which occurred after August 1. A shooting on November 30, in which a student killed four people and injured seven at a Michigan high school, was the deadliest school shooting since May 2018. As of the end of 2021, there were 92 school shootings since 2018.
Report Shows Top Priorities and Challenges for 2024 Open Enrollment
New research from digital media company Arizent revealed employee benefits leaders’ biggest challenges and strategies for increasing benefits utilization. These findings can help shape employers’ 2024 open enrollment plans.
The Importance of Privacy and Cybersecurity
With the enormous amount of sensitive information stored digitally, companies need to take the proper measures to ensure this data is never compromised. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of business owners to protect their clients’ data. Failing to do so can result in a data breach, which costs companies billions of dollars every year. Understanding the risks involved with data security can help you prevent a privacy breach.
4 Things You Need to Know About Scheduled vs. Blanket Property Coverage
When making a property insurance purchase decision, the most critical factor is the balance between insured risk and risk retention. Risk retention is usually measured in the amount of exposure to the fund balance in the event of a major property claim.