National Teen Driver Safety Week 2023
October 15-21 is National Teen Driver Safety Week. During this week, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration encourages parents to have important conversations with their teenagers about staying safe behind the wheel.
Employer-based Health Insurance Covered 54% of Americans in 2022
In its Health Coverage in the United States: 2022 report, the U.S. Census Bureau revealed that employer-based insurance was the most common type of coverage, covering 54.5% of working-age adults.
Best Practices for Efficient Claim Reporting and Management
Timely and effective claim reporting is crucial in managing incidents and ensuring a smooth claims process. Whether it's property damage, bodily injury, legal liability, or cyber incidents, prompt action can help mitigate losses and minimize disruptions.
Rethink Your Healthcare Offerings for Healthier, Longer-Lived Employees
In the wake of COVID-19, U.S. life expectancy has dropped to 76.4 years, the lowest in two decades. But employers can help add a dozen healthy years to their employees' lives by rethinking their approach to healthcare benefits.
Seven Strategies for Helping Employees Understand Their Benefits
A recent survey found that 81% of employees want more information about company-sponsored benefits throughout the year, yet 47% don’t know enough to make informed choices during open enrollment. With open enrollment season approaching, human resources teams may want to look at some new strategies to close these communication gaps.
Preventing Truck Rollover Crashes
Truck rollover crashes pose a significant danger to professional drivers, accounting for 50 percent of large truck occupant fatalities according to truck crash statistics.