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construction blog2016-12-08T15:59:13+00:00

Understanding Workers’ Compensation in Educational Institutions

Workers’ compensation is a vital component of employee benefits for educational institutions. It provides coverage for workplace injuries or illnesses, ensuring that employees receive the medical care and support they need while protecting schools from costly lawsuits. For administrators, understanding how workers’ compensation works and tailoring it to the unique environment of schools is essential for maintaining a safe and supportive workplace.

By |January 31st, 2025|Categories: Blog, Education|Comments Off on Understanding Workers’ Compensation in Educational Institutions

Winter Weather Oil and Gas Safety Tips

To prevent injuries and illness as a result of winter weather, it’s important to learn about the causes, symptoms, and safety considerations to take so you are prepared to handle winter’s worst. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), there is no exact temperature at which the environment becomes hazardous. Instead, factors such as low temperatures, wind speed, and wetness contribute to cold-induced injuries and illness.

By |January 30th, 2025|Categories: Blog, Energy|Tags: |Comments Off on Winter Weather Oil and Gas Safety Tips

Cyber Case Study: Hack at Steel Mill Causes Physical Damage

 In late 2014, the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) released a report detailing a disruptive cyber attack at an unnamed steel mill facility. The attack—which was deployed through a combination of social engineering tactics and malware— compromised several of the steel mill’s industrial control components. From there, equipment breakdowns and production outages ensued, resulting in extensive property destruction.

By |January 29th, 2025|Categories: Blog, Risk Management, Trending|Comments Off on Cyber Case Study: Hack at Steel Mill Causes Physical Damage

OSHA Penalty Schedule

An employer receives a written citation when it violates OSHA standards or regulations. The citation will describe the particular nature of the violation and will include a reference to the provision of the chapter, standard, rule, regulation or order the employer violated.

By |January 28th, 2025|Categories: Blog, Risk Management|Comments Off on OSHA Penalty Schedule

New Year, New Goals: The Benefits of a Safe Patient Handling Program

Because of age or incapacitation due to illness or injury, patients in health care settings often need help performing normal daily tasks like sitting up or walking. Helping patients with these tasks requires significant physical demands, putting employees in danger of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs).

By |January 27th, 2025|Categories: Blog, Commercial Insurance, Healthcare, Safety Tips|Comments Off on New Year, New Goals: The Benefits of a Safe Patient Handling Program

Imminent Dangers on the Job Site – Reducing Your Risk of Injury at Work

An imminent danger is a workplace hazard that puts you at an immediate risk of death or serious physical harm. It may be a safety hazard, such as an unstable trench or an exposed electrical wire, or it may be a health hazard, such as toxic substances, dangerous fumes, dusts or gases. These dangers could cause irreversible physical harm, death or reduced physical or mental performance.

By |January 22nd, 2025|Categories: Blog, Construction, Trending|Comments Off on Imminent Dangers on the Job Site – Reducing Your Risk of Injury at Work
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