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Oil and Gas Industry Work Place Safety Infographic

By |2022-12-06T19:22:54+00:00February 27th, 2020|Blog, Energy|

Safety on the job site is something all employees should take seriously – nothing less than the future of your family is at stake. An on-the-job accident could very easily disable you, leaving security and future plans up in the air.

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Employment Contracts: What Physicians Need to Know

By |2021-09-23T03:16:32+00:00November 15th, 2019|Blog, Healthcare|

According to an AMA study released in June 2019, the number of employed physicians now exceeds the number of self-employed physicians in the United States. This means that more physicians are entering into employment contracts than ever before. Doctors may dislike having to negotiate employment contracts, and for this reason may not closely examine some of the contract provisions.

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Is Striking Contract Language Sufficient?

By |2021-09-23T03:20:46+00:00March 15th, 2019|Blog, Construction|

Everybody redlines contracts. But will your strikethroughs and handwritten notes stand up in a court proceeding, even if initialed and agreed to by all parties? A Missouri Court of Appeals has ruled on what can happen as the result of a dispute over stricken contract clauses in a case related to interest on unpaid balances. The results may surprise you.

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Expedited Dispute Resolution Bonds: What You Need To Know

By |2021-09-23T03:22:41+00:00March 13th, 2019|Blog, Construction, Surety Bonds|

Did you know that bonds are required to help guarantee performance, payment, and maintenance terms on a project to the owner/obligee? When bonds are in place, everything should run smoothly in the event of the dreaded bond claim right? Wrong. Typically, bond claims can take many weeks, if not months, for a resolution, regardless of the outcome.

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Do General Contractors Need Professional Liability Coverage?

By |2021-09-23T03:23:07+00:00March 12th, 2019|Blog, Construction|

Commercial General Liability policies were not designed, nor do they include coverage, for Professional Liability. There is a perception that contractors do not need professional liability coverage, but this isn’t a safe assumption. We are accustomed to seeing Professional Liability exclusions for architects, engineers, surveyors, and other professionals. It’s easy to understand why many assume this exclusion does not apply to a contractor.

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Captive Insurance In The Construction World

By |2021-08-26T03:43:31+00:00March 11th, 2019|Alternative Risk, Blog, Construction, Industry, Loss Control, Solutions|

Captives are becoming increasingly as insureds begin to assess the risk vs reward of the traditional insurance market. A captive insurer is an insurance company, wholly owned and controlled by its insureds, with the purpose of covering the insureds’ risks WHILE allowing the insureds to benefit from any underwriting profits.

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