10 Essential Cybersecurity Controls
Cyber incidents—including data breaches, ransomware attacks and social engineering scams—have become increasingly prevalent, impacting organizations of all sizes and industries. Such incidents have largely been brought on by additional cyberthreat vectors and growing attacker sophistication. As these incidents continue to rise in both cost and frequency, it’s crucial for organizations to take steps to address their cyber exposures and bolster their digital security defenses.
Supporting Caregivers in the Workplace
In 2023, 38 million people across the U.S. provided unpaid care for their loved ones, according to AARP. Another study from Harvard Business School estimated that 73% of employees have some caregiving responsibility, making caregivers the fastest-growing employee group.
Best Practices for Return-to-Work Programs
One of the biggest components of workers’ compensation is an effective return-to-work (RTW) program. Eliminating injuries and illnesses is paramount for reducing workers’ compensation costs, but after an incident, an RTW program can significantly reduce workers’ compensation costs for employers and improve the lives of employees by getting them back to work when there is an injury or illness. This article provides an overview of RTW programs and discusses the best practices for establishing and maintaining such programs.
Fire Prevention Measures for Idle and Vacant Properties
When properties are left idle or vacant, the risk of fire-related incidents increases. Therefore, implementing a comprehensive fire prevention strategy is crucial. This article explores essential fire prevention measures for idle and vacant properties to ensure the safety of the premises and minimize the risk of destructive fires.
Tips for Auto Insurance Buyers in 2024
When properties are left idle or vacant, the risk of fire-related incidents increases. Therefore, implementing a comprehensive fire prevention strategy is crucial. This article explores essential fire prevention measures for idle and vacant properties to ensure the safety of the premises and minimize the risk of destructive fires.
Safeguarding School Transportation: A Shared Responsibility
Ensuring the safety of students during their school commute is a collective effort involving school bus drivers, motorists, and the entire community. While school bus drivers go to great lengths to protect children, it is equally crucial for all road users to play their part in managing transportation risks effectively.